Autism and Difficult Moments


Learn how to stop a meltdown! This book offers tried-and-true solutions to minimize and circumvent the often frightening circumstances that surround the cycle of meltdowns, not only for the child with autism, but others in the environment as well. A highly practical and user-friendly resource, High-Functioning Autism and Difficult Moments: Practical Solutions for Meltdowns (3rd edition) describes the three-stage cycle of a meltdown and identifies the evidence-based strategies that should be used at each stage. In addition, this book outlines how to prevent the occurrence of meltdowns through instruction, interpretation, and coaching. The author of this very practical book takes the reader through the stages of the cycle and emphasize the importance of utilizing systematic instruction and teachable moments before and after a meltdown. The book emphasizes that (a) meltdowns are not purposeful and (b) instruction is needed in order for them to stop and provides practical steps to complete this journey successfully.

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Autism and Difficult Moments

Written by Brenda Smith Myles


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