Talk With Me


Conversation is everywhere – at the lunch table, at after-school activities, in the line for the water fountain, at overnight camp during downtime, at work with a coworker, and at a Thanksgiving gathering. Regardless of the setting, this critical skill – human conversation – is challenging for many individuals with – children and adults alike. For these reasons, it is essential to equip individuals with autism with effective conversational skills. The Conversation Framework is a unique strategy that provides an approach to assessing and teaching conversation skills in a group setting that is effective for most students who have difficulty engaging in conversations, including students with autism. The Conversation Framework presented in Talk With Me breaks down the elements of a conversation which must be mastered in order to be proficient at carrying out conversations. The framework was developed and refined across many years based on a review of the relevant research along with close observation of how people talk to each other – what conversations really sound like. Many find it difficult to teach conversation skills, but the Conversation Framework provides a simple and easy-to-implement process for teaching effective conversational habits. If you’re looking for a comprehensive model with assessments, data collection, visual supports, drills, and prompt examples – this is your book!

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Talk with Me: A Step-By-Step Conversation Framework for Teaching Conversational Balance and Fluency For High-Functioning Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Written by Kerry Mataya, Ruth Aspy PhD and Hollis Shaffer


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