The Hidden Curriculum One-A-Day Calendar: 365 Tips for Understanding Unstated Rules in Social Situations


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Based on the best-selling book The Hidden Curriculum: Practical Solutions for Understanding Unstated Rules in Social Situations, Future Horizons introduces The Hidden Curriculum Reusable One-A-Day Calendar. Designed to sit on a desk or table, this unique calendar includes a Hidden Curriculum tip for each day of the year.

Perfect for home and school, the carefully chosen items are sure to spark conversation and learning of those subtle social nuances that can make or break relationships, job situations, classroom behavior and more. What’s more, it’s perpetual—a sustainable way to help autistics and others the social skill they need to thrive.

Here are few of the tips:

  • Do not share hurtful information about someone unless it will be helpful in some way. For example, it is generally not helpful to tell a person they are overweight or unattractive. Share helpful information, such as telling someone quietly that they have their shirt buttoned wrong.
  • Doing a favor for someone does not automatically mean they will do a favor for you. Do a favor for someone because you want to — not because you want the person to return the favor right away. That way, if they decide to do you a favor, you will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Fair means that everyone gets what everyone needs. It does not mean that everyone gets the same thing. Equal is when everyone gets the same thing. Fair is when everyone gets what they need.
  • Always be on time. It is rude to make others wait for you.
  • A purse, wallet, and backpack are personal and private items. Never open them if you do not have permission to do so.
  • Always wear your seat belt when riding in a car. Even if the driver does not wear a seat belt, be sure you do. Your safety is very important.
  • When you ask for help, it does not mean you are not smart; it means that you are resourceful and want to solve a problem or get things done.

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The Hidden Curriculum One-A-Day Calendar: 365 Tips for Understanding Unstated Rules in Social Situations

Written by Brenda Smith Myles PhD


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